It’s Great designed and realized a store concept based on a timeline of Carhartts great history for a concept store in Milano (Italy). The timeline displays original items of more then 120 years history of the famous work wear brand Carhartt from foundation by Hamilton Carhartt in Detroit (Michigan, USA) in 1889 until recent developments. Contents of layered wood panels with digital printing and framed clothes, adverts and other collectibles.

“Some years ago when I could not buy cloth that would measure up to my high standards for my overalls, I started a cotton mill in South Carolina … to make a superior Master Cloth for Carhartt Overalls. I insisted that Carhartt Overalls be made from fabric that was superior to that used in any other overall made. In this I have succeeded as wearers of my overalls will testify.”  
Hamilton Carhartt
See ALSO Carhartt Timeline Zaragossa
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